Friday, July 13, 2012

Blood Ties (#2 Darke Academy) by Gabriella Poole

Rating: 9/10
Summary:  In the sequel, Cassie Bell returns to Darke Academy for her second term, now located in New York. She is no longer the innocent scholarship girl but one of the Few. She is strong, important, and very dangerous as she is the host to an extremely powerful spirit that needs constant feeding. Throughout the term she must decide whether she will save her friends which will ultimately destroy her, or vice versa.
My thoughts: This sequel is much darker than the last. With Cassie a member of the Few and host to a very malevolent spirit, we see her struggle to maintain herself and not let the spirit rule her body. It was refreshing to see the main character struggle with difficult emotions yet not appear whinny. I really felt for the character and kept wishing her the best. On the other hand, I was a little disappointed with the turn Isabelle took since she allowed Cassie to feed off of her quickly with no questions and not outweighing the consequences. To me she was just unnaturally over trustworthy.   
The characters where once again very well developed, and the change in city’s which the school does with every term does in no way hinder the flow of the story.
 Quote p.202: “‘No!’ Cassie scrambled back, pressing herself between the bed and the nightstand, and raised her hand, palm outward, to keep her friend at bay. ‘No, Isabella, don’t! I’m – I think I need to feed.’ Isabella hesitated, blinking at Cassie’s outstretched palm. Then she clasped it, hauling Cassie to her feet and gripping her shoulders.”

Darke Academy series:

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